man i don't even know how to write these like what do i say my life aint all that interesting really. but uh. my week was alright. i had fun today because i went out for a walk with my little sister. we just went to a park near our house and i liked lookin at all the nature and small suburban streets on the way home i suppose.

i've also been playing sonic 2 a whole lot recently which is weird because i only ever play sonic 2 whenever my little cousin is over. shes six and its so funny listening to her while i play because she'll talk about tails and sonic being best friends and how eggman is the bad guy and talking about the chaos emeralds an super sonic. it's actually really cute but then i kinda feel bad for my aunt because she probably has to listen to all this shit just because "OH MY COUSIN PLAYS IT I LIKE WATCHING HIM PLAY SONIC". went on a bit of a tangent there with my cousin but shes awesome so its okay. anyway sonic 2 is a fun game except the part where i get up to oil ocean zone and then i don't want to play anymore because oil ocean zone sucks balls.

i've also been trying to archive this one youtuber that i like. it's kenny lauderdale btw. this is actually REALLY HARD because some of his videos are unlisted and some of them are straight up private. he also changes the titles and thumbnails so much its insane. he also makes the titles really vauge which annoys the hell out of me. an example of that is one of his videos used to be titled "The Curse of Minky Momo - Magical Girl Minky Momo 1982" and now its called "Truck-kuns first victim". i hate it because i like to know what anime he's talking about and the year it was made instead of some vauge thing just for the stupid algorithm and the braindead people on the website nowadays. i say this like some boomer lmao. got a decent amount of his videos but i wish i didn't even have to do this in the first place. y'know its funny, for a guy who makes videos on lost media anime half of his fuckin' videos are lost media in of themselves.

anyway good bye see you next week probably. i'm out