my computers!!!

i like computers a lot and i have a few of them so uh here they are

this is my main desktop computer. i got it a few months ago maybe in october of 2022, it was my nan and pops old computer. i think this was made in 2014 so it's pretty damn old but it works good. it has windows 7 on and from what i can tell it can't upgrade to windows 10 but that's alright windows 7 is pretty cool anyway. i don't have very many complaints with it, it plays all the games i want to pretty well.

i pretty much kinda stole this off my parents after they got a new one. it was pretty much unofficially mine in 2020 then officially super mine mid 2022. it used to have windows 10 on it but then i wanted to dip my toes into linux and mid 2022 the OS have been linux mint ever since. recently i painted the case a bit with cool video game things i like, as you can see in the second picture. it works decently enough but the battery life is ass and sometimes the fan gets super duper loud then i have to hit it a few times to make it stop, which i probably shouldn't do. luv this thing though i don't want it to die anytime soon.

my familys old windows vista computer. all it does nowadays is sit underneath my desk collecting dust. i played a lot of roblox on it when i was a dumb stupid 9 year old. i think this and my wii made me really into computers and video games i played both of those pretty much every day as a kid.

page last updated 05/02/2023